County Imports Gas Scooter, ATV's, etc

Todays Senior Citizens are vibrant and full of life!  A little different than the stigma of the past, thanks to better food, health and medical, seniors are shattering records left and right! We have also realized one very basic observation, Seniors today are looking for new ideas, challenges, and new and innovative ways to enjoy life!  Thanks to Social Security, wise investing and good retirement plans, Senior Citizens have earned thier way to the top of the totem with respect in our market! 

The top 3 things we all want in life are,

  1. Excitement
  2. Romance
  3. Adventure!

This is why our business taylors to everyone across the board! It's also a known fact that most, not all, but more senior citizens take a little more care of what they own and in turn extending the life of everything they use! With that in consideration, we are able to offer deeper discounts to our family customers as well. When you purchase a product from our store, we will not just provide the standard single coupon discount, you can use DOUBLE COUPONS on ANYTHING available here or in our store! This is our promise to you and in a way of saying thanks for showing us how to enjoy life!

Current List of all Discounts Available


How to secure double coupons:

During checkout on the Shipping Page, you will be asked to enter your Coupon Code. In this box you will enter your first coupon click submit and then enter your second coupon and click submit again. That's it, then process with the rest of checkout.

Restrictions of Double Coupons:

First note, you are welcome to (combine discounts) not 2 of the same discount. For example, one coupon is for $50.00 and another for 2% off. This would be considered acceptable. However if you want two of the same will not process in our system.



NEED HELP? - If you have any questions about how to use the discounts to your advantage or speak to a service agent about any other questions you might have, please do not hesitate to call us toll free - 877-868-5828 or email info@countyimports.com - sales@countyimports.com


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